Monday, July 23, 2007


Well it's Final time here in tokyo and I just took my First Japanese Final... which I failed. Needless to say I'm not that happy about it. Hopefully the oral part and tomarows test will bring my grade back up. Dammit I though I knew the Kanji! how did every single Kanji I didn't know get on the test!

My Partner in the Japanese Oral exam was interesting. She has lived in Japan for five years and never bothered to learn Japanese. She dresses in the hip pop krap thats popular now and thinks that 300$ sunglasses are cheep! How diluded is that! she must be roleing in dough, at least her old man's dough cause I don't think anyone would spend money they earned on anything so frivroles as 300$ sunglasses.

Had another earthquake a while ago. It was a big one but not in tokyo, though we felt it here. Aparently there was alot of damage and quite a few people died.

Speaking about death one of the host fathers passed away a couple weeks ago. I don't know how the student is doing, but My homestay mother has been going to wakes and and other events related. No word has come from CIEE about it, or any word at all sence Andie left. I don't know If I metioned that...

Andie trotter, problably the best member of the CIEE team, was eiter fired or quit. The details of the situation havent been told to us. In fact nobody has said anything at all and we don't get updates any more, which is annoying. I hope I at least get the money thats coming to me...

I guess I'm ready to come back. I like Japan, but I realy want a pizza and spegetti sause. Aaron has the right idea with his idea of goin to the Olive Garden. I've actualy been eating alot of McDonalds, but I problably wont when I come back. I recently found where I can get cheese, which makes me happy. Man I wish we could go back to Lake geniva and hit the Cheese box again... but that trip is a little dificult now adays. I'm gonna buy about 50$ worth of food to bring back including lotte, pokkie, and mayonaise. It will be sweet! Literaly.

Well I have one more project to complete and another test to take and as of now I'm going to fuji san on the 26th. I'm going alone, but it's something I want to do. wish me luck!


JC said...

To quote a friend...

Good luck, don't die.

NWIFSER said...

Hey. I sent you an email. What day are you coming back? Get back to me when you can, I know your busy. Or give me a call, somehow.