Friday, May 4, 2007


Yesterday I went to Hon-Kowagoe (hon-ka-wa-go-i), or "Little Edo". I really like it there. In fact I've been there twice already! It's called "Little Edo" today for two reasons. First is because before the Edo pallace in Tokyo burt down a section was moved to Hon-Kowagoe and is now the only section of the palace still remaining. Second is because in the Edo period Hon-Kawagoe was a center for trade and as such a vast number of store houses were built, a few of which survived to this day and now make up a shoping district. It's awsome! when you enter the little back alleys lined with shops it's almost like steppig back in time. Except with Ice cream!
There is also a castle and a musieum and, of course, many many shrines.

The shrines are one of my favorite things about Japan. They are everywhere, and I don't mean like on every streat corner. I mean that you could be walking down the streat in down town Tokyo and in some back alley you could see a shinto shrine. Driving down the street you can look out the window and see statues, dating back to past the edo period, just standing there waiting for the bus. Things in Japan arn't old. The oldest buildings in Tokyo only date back to the Meji restoration which is around the Civil war. But a great sence of history hangs arount the city. Not that the buildings are old, but that the country is old, the land is old, or the people are old. It's a sensation I can't realy explain. In europe the history exudes from the structures, churches, and relics. Here history exudes from the land itself.

By the way I am well on my way to watching all of Miasaki. Mom, Dad I have an assignment for you. Go out and find or rent Totoro. It is a happy story, short, with no violence, sex, or swearing and it's steaped in Japanese Shinto mythos. And it has a happy ending! You'll like it.

Ok talk to ya later

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