Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Ok so these last couple days have been pretty crazy ... and not in a good way.

Fist was last night when my host mother overdosed on her sleeping medications and had to go to the hospital. I was relly woried about her though she seems to be doing fine. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep. When I was sitting in that cold windy house, it was the first time that I felt scarred being alone in a foriegn city.

I was realy excited about going on a sailing trip on tokyo bay with my home stay father and some friends from school, but now, with Kyoko san on Hospital watch we have to cancel the trip.

On top of this my external was apparently damaged on the mailing from home and now my computer want's to format it, which means I will loose all my books, documents, pictures, and media. Well I decided I don't want to do that so I got a free wear datarecovery program and am using it to see what I can recover from the drive. Hopefully it's alot.

On a good note I made zori the other day. Zori are traditional japanese footwear made from straw and rope. we didn't make the straw ones and instead used old scraps of fabric. they are cool and I like them. As a friend says: "the're what Jeasus would wear."

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