Sunday, June 10, 2007

Over the Hump

Well every thing is over... for now.

My midterms are over and I have to admit I did the worst I have ever done on a midterm. I only had one for Japanese, and it was very difficult. I wasn`t as prepared as I thought I was. I even blanked on the Katakana! Oh well... I`ll pass the course, thats certain, and I think that all my classes here are pass fail anyway. Maby not, but it doesn`t realy matter. I`ve never been very good with foregin languages. I think it way have something to do with the way I think. I have a constant internal monolouge that recites my life. And its in english. Not only that but the test was so long (three days of 90min tests) that I just ended up getting tired and writing anything down. I`ll make it up on the Finals.

The choir concert is over and I have to admit, these Japanese singers can pull it together at the last minute. The day of the concert I arived at the place around 10:00 am. The concert was at 5 pm by the way. We spent the day warming up, going over the songs and listening to the other choir that had joined us. Every thing they do was with Military precision. walk on stage in complete silente, stand straight forward, eyes on the conductor. Even the audence never even hinted at claping between pieces. After a choir was done singing there was an abrupt applause. then we marched off stage. Even the music itself had little feeling in it, but it was on pitch, the dynamics were followed, and we followed rythems exactly. The concert itself actualy went realy well. Takuro, my otosan, said that, and I quote, "My heart was washed with clear pure water" which I thought was a huge compliment even though I didn`t exactly knew what he ment. At least not logicaly.

To day a present my 60$ gift and take my leave. I hope they don`t make a fuss, I could realy use the extra time.

This weekend I have a chance to go see an actor`s studio here in Tokyo. I`m excited about it, but I could realy use a translator. The guy who runs it was a friend of Takuro`s sister, whose musical I went to go see (it was fun-about the japanese firefighters that live in rural areas) I was sitting with him at dinner and asked him If I could see his studio and maby ask a few questions. That reminds me I have to e-mail him tonight and let him know I still plan on comming. His name is kurisu (Chris) and I don`t know much else about him, but he seems like a nice guy. I plan to film and take some pictures.

Arron and I might go to Tokyo Disney next weekend to, if it doesnt rain. We`ll see.

well thats all for now

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